Leadlight Windows

If you are lucky enough to have original leadlight windows, our experienced window designers and fitters are able to provide a cost-effective solution to encapsulate them in a new double glazed unit to preserve their integrity and ensure longevity while retaining the overall look of your home or establishment.

f you would like to create a new feel to your home by adding a leadlights to your windows, we have many different designs available for you to consider. In addition, if you have a leadlight design in mind we can manufacture and fit the design to satisfy your specifications. We also offer a complete leadlight maintenance service throughout the North West.

Other options are that we are now able to replicate the leadlight effect using a single sheets of glazing, with self-adhesive lead placed on the glass to imitate lead cames and either a film or stain placed on the surface to colour the glass. This product has a wide domestic application and is often mistaken for genuine stained glass or leadlight. The finish is beautiful and authentic-looking. We also provide a huge range of bevelled glass to improve the look of regular plain glazing. See more of our glazing solutions here.

Leadlight maintenance | Leadlight double-glazing solutions | Bespoke leadlights | Leadlight effects | Beautiful applications | Preserve exisiting leadlights in your home | Authentic-looking leadlight imitations | Increase lifespan of leadlights


0845 340 2677 | 07757 498 018 | 07710 632 132 – [email protected]

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